Mission Smart : le Challenge

Search for a smart agent to secure smart contracts... Impress our experts and become the cyber elect!

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Secure the smart contracts

A few months ago, Banque de France and Campus Cyber jointly launched “Mission Smart”. The aim of this Call for Solutions was to identify European players offering a mature solution for detecting, monitoring, preventing or remedying cyber attacks on smart contracts.

Building on the insights gained from the first phase, Mission Smart continues! This time, Banque de France and Campus Cyber are launching a challenge: to develop an open-source solution for securing smart contracts in just a few months. The open-source approach is designed to enable the whole ecosystem to benefit from the lessons learned and advances made in this field.
Are you a student, researcher or start-up keen to meet the challenge?
Suggestions of solutions are provided, and you can also propose your own idea and develop your project to go from abstract to concrete in just a few months!

🏆 What's in it for you?

  • 1 year's incubation within a tailor-made program run by CyberBooster, France's 1st dedicated cybersecurity incubator,
  • and up to 6 000 €!

Join the challenge and win...


🚀 1-year incubation at the CyberBooster: integration of a program tailor-made for Mission Smart agents
🥇 6 000 €


🚀 1-year incubation at the CyberBooster: integration of a program tailor-made for Mission Smart agents
🥈 3 000 €


🚀 1-year incubation at the CyberBooster: integration of a program tailor-made for Mission Smart agents
 🥉 2 000 €


🏅 500 € 

What can your solution do? 


Detect vulnerabilities and/or threats during smart contract production or execution.


Learn more


Monitor the triggering and activity of smart contracts.


Prevent the execution of malicious transactions.


Develop fundamental components for security tools and set up a technical base to serve other areas.

Timetable & milestones

  • From June 10th to September 22th 2024

    Register on the platform and fill in the questionnaire to submit your application!
    - before 23:55 [Paris time] -

  • From Oct. 1st 2024 to Jan. 1st 2025

    Pre-selection (max. 10 applications)| Kick-off webinar & solution development

  • Jan. 31th 2025

    Pitch of selected finalists (5 max.) and selection of winners (3 max.)

Key opportunities

1 year incubation and a cash prize
integration of a customized CyberBooster program for smart agents
Gain visibility and recognition
within the innovative ecosystem

Test the relevance of your solution
with Campus Cyber experts and a French and European financial institution

Establish a privileged link
with the totem of cybersecurity in France

Demo Day 
Save the date : An event bringing the cyber ecosystem together, during which the finalists' pitches will take place and the challenge prizes will be awarded.