Climate Change Challenge

Find out about how central banks, supervisors, and regulators in the EU work together to assess the impact of climate change on the economy.

Beat the heat with cool insights!

Explore climate data and apply advanced analytics for economic sustainability
Participants will receive a more detailed schedule ahead of the event. Teams can organise their time and their work autonomously

Get ready to...

Make a difference: help shape the current research activities conducted by National Central Banks and Competent Authorities on which future policies are built.
Upskill and grow in multiple areas: data science with the exploration of climate datasets and the use of advanced analytics (machine learning); cloud computing, programming, and visualisation.
Innovate and collaborate: work in international teams of highly motivated individuals with diverse backgrounds.
Get recognition: Present your results, get to win an award prize, and meet the President and Board Members of the ECB. 
Have fun: and lots of it! 
